Picking Up The Check Episode Summary:
Women, do you look down on a man who splits the check on a date? Men, is your ego bruised when a woman offers to pay for dinner? Sarah and Adam take on this surprisingly controversial topic and try to come up with a definitive answer for the age-old question: Who picks up the check? Also in this episode: Sarah’s masturbation habits, Adam’s alleged sobriety, and virtual dating with Facetime.
Dating Kinda Sucks is a raw, honest, and hilarious podcast that focuses on all aspects of dating, sex, and relationships, promoting a lifestyle of transparency, openness, and healthy communication as a path to happiness. It is created by Sarah G. @simplysarahg_ and Adam Heath Avitable @avitable. Join us on our Facebook group at Facebook.com/groups/dkspodcast, and support us for $5 a month on Patreon at Patreon.com/dkspodcast.
Theme song performed by Crafty McVillain.
Dating Kinda Sucks Commentary
Season Three Episode Eleven
Host Thoughts on Splitting the Check
Who knew paying for the check was going to be such a controversial topic. At the end of the first date, there shouldn’t be any expectations for the man to pay. Ladies, go into the date totally, 100% okay with paying your fair share if that’s what the outcome is. This doesn’t mean the date didn’t go well or that he doesn’t want to see you on a second date.
My one asterisk on this though, is if the other person invites you out to a high dollar place where the bill could be anywhere from 150-200 easily, then I think you either suggest a cheaper alternative first, or the person who insisted the fancy dinner should pay.
I think splitting the check should be the norm and it should be unusual and appreciated if one person (either party) pays for dinner/drinks/the night out. Dating is about looking for someone on your level, not someone who’s going to treat you to everything, unless you’re not looking for a healthy relationship at all. My biggest gripe is with someone who offers to split the bill but then looks negatively at the other person if they accept your offer. Stop that shitty behavior and be a genuine fucking human being. You’re being garbage.