Month: August 2019

S02E30: When Disaster Strikes In The Bedroom: How To Handle Embarrassing Situations

Mortified in Bed Episode Summary: From surprise period sex to erectile dysfunction, queefs to high kicks to the forehead, the bedroom is a place filled with fun, excitement, and way too many embarrassing stories. Are you the type to be mortified or get defensive? Or can you shrug, laugh it off, and move on? Adam…

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50 Things In 2019 That Women (And Anyone Else) Can Do With Their Hands Regardless If Men Like It Or Not, But Also Some Things Men Love

How many things do you do with YOUR hands that men like? Here's the 1972 Cosmo checklist. Not sure about the grapefruit one… — Pulp Librarian (@PulpLibrarian) August 20, 2019 This tweet by Pulp Librarian showed a page from a 1972 Cosmo that had a checklist of things women could do with their hands…

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S02E29: The Myth of the Relationship: Expectations vs. Reality

Relationship Fact and Fiction Episode Summary: Much like Bigfoot, the myths surrounding relationships are murky and mysterious. Sarah and Adam break down the expectations you might have from a relationship and examine the harsh (or not so harsh) reality. Also in this episode of Dating Kinda Sucks, Adam talks about dating someone who’s trans, Sarah…

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You’re Not A Sapiosexual. You’re Pretentious.

I’m a mundusexual. What does that mean, you might ask? Well, it’s a word I just made up that says I’m only attracted to people with proper hygiene.  It’s stupid, isn’t it? Isn’t everyone attracted to people with proper hygiene? Are there people out there who prefer someone who doesn’t wipe their ass properly? (Probably,…

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3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Go on a Date with Your Neighbor

Dating apps are great for meeting new people in your area. Luckily for everyone who’s out there in the dating world, the swiping options on apps like Tinder and Bumble can narrow down your search to less than a mile. This means you can find that hottie who lives close by and ask him or…

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S02E28: Like An STD For Your Heart: How To Handle Catching Feelings

Catching The Feels Episode Summary: This week on Dating Kinda Sucks, Sarah and Adam ferret out whether it’s felicitous or foul when feelings find footing firmly in a fresh foundation. How do you know if you have feelings? How do you tell if they’re real or just based on infatuation? What’s your next step –…

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